lunedì 2 agosto 2010


These photos have been shot by Inez Van Lamsweerde and Vinnoh Matadin for Vogue Paris February 2010.
The two photographers have wanted to make us focus on women. In fact, women are the main characters of the shooting. It's very intersting the atmosphera created by the body language and the facial expression which give a sense of mystery to the whole photos.
Ladies look elegant, haughty and snob in the first photo. Clothes, which are black, light, or even more structured(as the short coat of the left)give an idea of auterity.
In the other two photos, instead, women feel very confident with their body. They make soft and sweet sensual movements, bare their chest and feel free to express themselves.

When we first saw these photos, a famous Italian film came to our mind: "Medea"by Pasolini who was inspired by one of the most famous grecian tragedy,"Medea"by Euripide.
The body language, the feelings, the behaviour and the oriental places where the shooting, as the film, takes place convey to a conflict between different feelings and drives.
In Euripide women are excluded by social and political life. For this reason they can express better the immediacy of feelings. In our opinion the shooting wanted to convey the same idea.
In fact women are moved by deep insticts, but in this case they can't rule them. Irrational forces struggle into their bodies making them to act without any restriction and sometimes against their own will.

Moreover we've really loved the atmosphera created by the oriental landscaping and the presence of the two women in this last photo.
They look like overtroping the scene thanks to their body language and their proud look. They're dressed very simply: a cotton white and light dress with black pois for the model on the left, and only a long white-strawberry-printed skirt for Freja Beha Erichsen.
Behind them a desolated desert spread up. The two women don't interact between them but they're loney with just their own feelings.

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